Doc's Story



By Richard J. “Doc” Holliday, DVM, "A Holistic Vet for almost 10 lustrums"


While in High School during the late 1940’s, I read Louis Bromfield’s books Pleasant Valley and Malabar Farm, in which he detailed his success in rebuilding worn-out farms near his boyhood home near Lucas, Ohio. (The picture on this page is the homestead on Malabar Farm.) Although I had no opportunity at that time to act on the knowledge they contained, these books were my earliest exposure to alternative agriculture and holistic veterinary medicine.

At the University of Missouri my studies under the renowned Dr. William Albrecht enlarged my knowledge of the relationship between soil fertility and animal health. I recall that one of Albrecht’s favorite sayings was, “Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books.” Good advice, even more true today than in former times.

Upon graduation from Veterinary School in 1951 I conducted a private mixed practice in northwest Missouri for 25 years. The small farm where I lived for most of those years became a proving ground for the principles of organic farming and holistic animal health that I had learned from Bromfield, Albrecht, and many of my clients who educated me in practical aspects of holistic thought. It was during this time, early 1960’s, that I encountered the concept of feeding self regulated individual minerals. I used this method on my own animals with excellent results and also recommended it to my clients.

From 1984 until 2008 I was employed as a Technical Services Veterinarian by Impro Products, Inc. and consulted on animal health issues with many organic dairies throughout the country. I am currently employed as the Senior Veterinary Consultant for Advanced Biological Concepts Organic Division, formerly Helfter Feeds, Inc. of Osco, Illinois.

At all times, my goal has been to share the idea that anyone can prove the fundamental concepts of animal health by watching and learning from animals, who will share their secrets with us if we are attentive.